Keeping It Brief

What is the saying? “Perfection is the enemy of progress?” Or, in my case, just doneness. I am not even trying for perfection, and yet multiple posts I have drafted linger in draft purgatory as I commit to reading all the news (ugh, why?) rather than work on revisions to what I have written. I mean, I could clean the house or do some laundry, also worthy distractions, but sitting down at the computer is the goal so I get that far and then dive down news wormholes.

But today – TODAY! – I have shown up and re-read what I have written and can confirm that the subject still matters. I remain all tripped up on some enormous lines of thinking, though, so it’s still not quite ready to get out there because it feels long and heavy and more like a treatise in places, a rant in others, and a term paper throughout. Is it a problem that even I am bored by what I have written? Probably.

And, so, cribbing off my monthly writing class that is part meditation, part motivation, and mostly a bunch of pretty talented poets showing me how to see the world and writing in a whole new way, I am aiming to write short, clear and pithy. Not strengths in any way. Here’s what I came up with today :-).

I have been trying to write poetry,

Which appears to require brevity,

A skill set with which I am in short supply. 

And, with that, I encourage you to take a deep breath, skip the news, and do something that fills your cup, even just for a couple minutes.

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